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Account Set Up

Administrator instructions for Setting Up any of the mobile devices for App Activation and Install

1. The account administrator will have to go to “Manage Devices” and “Edit” the person using the app.

2. When in the edit screen check the box saying “Enable Mobile App:”

3. In the same screen under Mobile Setup click on the drop down box saying “Select Device” Click on Android or iPhone.

4. In the same screen under “Mobile Address” enter the email address for the phone being used.

IMPORTANT NOTE*: For Android users, you must enter their gmail email account address that was used to setup their phone. All others, use an email address that has been setup on the phone. It may be the same email address used in setting up the user/device originally with ECM2.

5. Check the appropriate box that will coorespond to the app you are administering. You will also have to be checked in each Distribution list that you are registered to.

6. This completes the Administrator Account Set Up.

7. The user can now go to the app store and search “ECM2” and download their FREE App.

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact our technical support at 724-519-7698.